Regina Chapel
What does CMO stand for? It stands for Church Militant Outpost. Here at Sanctus Ranch we will gather weekly as the Church Militant to pray for the Church Suffering and grow in Holiness that we may, with the grace of God, live forever with the Church Triumphant.
“Three states of the Church … at the present time some of his disciples are pilgrims on earth. Others have died and are being purified, while still others are in glory, contemplating ‘in full light, God Himself triune and one, exactly as He is’” (CCC, #954)
As the Church Militant, this chapel and community will serve as an Outpost to support the faithful in their Christian walk and to assist the laity by growing in holiness.
With your support this place will be an outpost of refuge in these challenging times.
Sanctuary Construction:
Click above to help defray the costs of construction and support our mission.
Watch the timelapse video below
Regina Chapel Altar Build: Part 1
Part 2
The Cross and the letter M symbolize the close relationship of Mary to the suffering, passion, and death of her Son. The cross symbolizes Christ and our redemption, with the bar under the cross a sign of the earth and the Altar, for it is on the Altar at Mass that the Sacrifice of Calvary continues to be present in the world today. The M signifies “Mary” and “Mother.” The interweaving of Mary’s initial and the cross shows Mary’s close involvement with Jesus and our world. In this, we see Mary’s part in our salvation and her role as Mother of the Church.